Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Founder Diaspora Died in Young

Founder Diaspora Died in Young - One of the founders of social networking Diaspora, died last week at the age of 22 years, in San Francisco, United States.

Local media reported, Ilya Zhitomirskiy, co-founder of the Diaspora, allegedly committed suicide. But coroner's officials said a few weeks to determine the cause of death.

Diaspora and Ilya may not sound echoes, as with Facebook, Mark

Google Reveals Secret Search Engine

Google Reveals Little Secret search engine | Internet users must have a lot of curiosity, how the Google search engine work? Ok, this time the Internet giant is trying to reveal a glimpse of the secrets of how the system is doing the ranking websites.

With the publication of these details in his official blog, Google seemed to answer the accusation of regulators who called the Google search